Meet the Passionate Hope

Hope Yin

Hope is the Founder and Owner of Blueprint Coaching. She is an International Coaching Federation Professional Certified Coach (PCC), iPEC Certified Professional Coach (CPC), certified COR.E Leadership Dynamics Specialist (CLDS) and certified Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner(ELI-MP). She is an exceptional executive and leadership coach. She has coached hundreds of leaders and created lasting transformations in their lives. Hope’s passion is to make a POSITIVE difference in the world. She is devoted to influencing and supporting women and non-binary in STEM, for their continued success. 

Hope was an award-winning technology executive in two of the largest financial companies in the world. She has been responsible for multimillion dollar technology portfolios. She has held multiple technical leadership roles in her 20+ years of experience in Software Engineering. Her work contributed to multiple industry awards.

Due to her exceptional contribution in STEM, she is awarded Technology All-Star by Women Of Color STEM. She is being featured in multiple media channels.

Hope holds an M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, an M.S. in Industrial & Systems Engineering and an M.S. in Aerocraft Manufacturing Engineering. 

Hope is an active community leader and volunteer in multiple non-profit organizations. In her spare time, she loves reading, hiking, running, paddle boarding, skilling, biking, yoga and meditation.

Hope’s personal brand is HOPEFUL

H - She cares about humanity and practices humility.

O - She is open-minded and optimistic.

P - She is passionate and she has a purpose. 

E - She is empathetic and energetic.

F - She is futuristic, fearless and fun.

U - She uplifts herself and others. 

L - She learns and leads.