Law of Being

Discover the Power of Law of Being

Are you ready to unlock your unlimited potential and confidently create your way forward to the life you want to live?

This in-depth exploration of self will have you at the edge of your comfort zone—challenging accepted self-narratives, identifying and breaking through stifling fears and hurdles, and uncovering new possibilities.

Through enlightening audio lessons, 200+ consciousness-expanding workbook exercises, and supportive coaching sessions with me (your award-winning executive/leadership coach!), you’ll explore your inner world and create extraordinary shifts in every aspect of your outer world.

Imagine a life where you effortlessly attract success—however you define it!— abundance, and joy. Law of Being (LOB) isn’t just a concept, it's a fully-guided 16-session program that takes you on a thrilling adventure of awakening your potential by diving deep into your unique consciousness.

Session 1: Program Planning and Orientation

Session 2: Energy LeadershipTM Index Assessment Debrief

Session 3: Setting Goals and Intentions - Create a vision

Session 4: Exploring Default Tendencies - Identifying default tendencies is the first step in changing them.

Session 5: The 7 Levels of Energy - how the different Levels of Energy show up in your life, and what you are attracting because of that energy.

Session 6: Exploring Values and Choices - Values that are important to you and strategies for making decisions and choices.

Session 7: Energy Blocks that are limiting your potential.

Session 8: Recognizing Illusions that are holding you back from high consciousness.

Session 9: Being Abundance - tune in to high level of consciousness.

Session 10: Being Happiness, Part 1 - 8 keys to happiness.

Session 11: Being Happiness, Part 2 - resolving conflicts.

Session 12: Being Health - mindset and Strategies for slowing the aging process.

Session 13: Being Wisdom - access your inner genius.

Session 14: Self-Mastery - who you really are and ways to express that in all that they do.

Session 15: Being Wealth - true wealth is about abundance and is not limited to money alone.

Session 16: Being the Change & Wrapping Up and Going Forward

Interested in joining me for the transformative adventure of Law of Being?