Stay Inspired

While 26% of workers plan to switch jobs post pandemic, it isn’t an option or a decision for everyone. For those who decide to stay in current job positions or companies, how can you stay inspired? 

Find meaning in your job

For every job position I have held, I quickly recognize the value of my job. It’s very easy for me to believe that I have one of the most important jobs (ok, I might be biased). For example, when I was working for an engineering software company, I quickly realized how much $ and time I was helping save the clients. Because they can simulate the process without manufacturing the parts, companies can save millions of dollars up front without the traditional try and error approach. I am currently leading the talent development technology. I consider my job is one of the most important jobs because the competitive advantage of any company is how well and how quickly their employees can be upskilled and reskilled. What’s the meaning of your job? 

Look for innovative solutions

I am passionate about what I do. I love providing business values to customers with innovative technical solutions. I always look for ways to improve processes, efficiencies, productivities and collaboration. Are you using a 100 steps process? Simplify it! Is there any manual work? Automate it! Are there potential errors? Monitor it! Detect it before the customers discover it. Examine the work you do on a daily basis, what improvements can you help initiate? 

Provide value to a bigger community

During my 20+ years in technology, I noticed that sometimes technologists cannot fully understand how the applications they developed are being used by the end customers. They may not be able to fully appreciate their own work and the product they created. How are the applications/software helping the customers’ life? When I was managing ATM technology, I joined my colleagues to bridge this gap between technologists and the end users. We started an initiative of “A Day In The Life of Customer”. We organized tours for hundreds of technologists to bank retail branches, company call centers, innovation labs and social media centers. Many of them were very appreciative of the experience that helped shape their understanding of how technology drives business delivery.

I am sure there are so many other ways to stay inspired at work. Whatever it is for you, I hope you enjoy each day with passion and high energy. You are very important and you play a pivotal role for your company.


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