McDonald's...and...Eggs with Tomatoes
What do they have in common?
I was wearing a bright yellow sleeveless top. I had to grab a sweater due to the cold air conditioning. The one closest to me happened to be red. Red over yellow is an interesting combination for clothing. My daughter and I immediately realized it and we spoke at the same time.
"Huh, McDonald's" / "Huh, Eggs with Tomatoes" (the literal way to say it is "Tomatoes fried eggs" - but that's a topic another day)
The difference is that my daughter was born and raised in US, and I was born and raised in China. We associate things to the culture we are familiar with. The culture difference is ingrained in our default thinking patterns - big or small.
As leaders, we need to be cultural intelligent. We may not have all the answers, but we are willing to learn. We provide safe space for people to be who they are and celebrate our differences and uniqueness.
#culture #leadership