Be an empathetic leader
Empathy can be a word misunderstood. My understanding of this word and practicing of empathetic leadership have come a long way. What does being empathetic mean to you?
➡️. I used to think that it means that I put my feet into their shoes.
➡️. Then I learned that’s not enough, I also need to walk 2 miles in those shoes.
➡️. Then I realized even that is not enough. If I am physically stronger than the other person, my experience of walking 2 miles is different than theirs.
➡️. Empathy is that I can understand their experiences, emotions even when, especially when, their experience is different than mine. I choose to trust them and trust their experience. And I am here for them.
The following podcast from Brené Brown is a great listening on how leaders can help build a psychologically safe space by starting with building a brave space. Judgement/judging has to be suspended in order to be more empathetic.
#empatheticleadership #psychologicalsafety #trust #daretolead